
This module implements ready-to-use models from recent literature.



spektral.models.gcn.GCN(n_labels, channels=16, activation='relu', output_activation='softmax', use_bias=False, dropout_rate=0.5, l2_reg=0.00025)

This model, with its default hyperparameters, implements the architecture from the paper:

Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks
Thomas N. Kipf and Max Welling

Mode: single, disjoint, mixed, batch.


  • Node features of shape ([batch], n_nodes, n_node_features)
  • Weighted adjacency matrix of shape ([batch], n_nodes, n_nodes)


  • Softmax predictions with shape ([batch], n_nodes, n_labels).


  • n_labels: number of channels in output;
  • channels: number of channels in first GCNConv layer;
  • activation: activation of the first GCNConv layer;
  • output_activation: activation of the second GCNConv layer;
  • use_bias: whether to add a learnable bias to the two GCNConv layers;
  • dropout_rate: rate used in Dropout layers;
  • l2_reg: l2 regularization strength;
  • **kwargs: passed to Model.__init__.



spektral.models.general_gnn.GeneralGNN(output, activation=None, hidden=256, message_passing=4, pre_process=2, post_process=2, connectivity='cat', batch_norm=True, dropout=0.0, aggregate='sum', hidden_activation='prelu', pool='sum')

This model implements the GNN architecture from the paper

Design Space for Graph Neural Networks
Jiaxuan You, Rex Ying, Jure Leskovec

Mode: single, disjoint, mixed.

The default parameters of the model are selected according to the best results obtained in the paper, and should provide a good performance on many node-level and graph-level tasks, without modifications. The defaults are as follows:

  • 256 hidden channels
  • 4 message passing layers
  • 2 pre-processing layers
  • 2 post-processing layers
  • Skip connections with concatenation
  • Batch normalization
  • No dropout
  • PReLU activations
  • Sum aggregation in the message-passing layers
  • Global sum pooling (not from the paper)

The GNN uses the GeneralConv layer for message passing, and has a pre- and a post-processing MLP for the node features. Message-passing layers also have optional skip connections, which can be implemented as sum or concatenation.

The dense layers of the pre-processing and post-processing MLPs compute the following update of the node features:

Message-passing layers compute:


  • output: int, the number of output units;
  • activation: the activation function of the output layer.
  • hidden: int, the number of hidden units for all layers except the output one;
  • message_passing: int, the nummber of message-passing layers;
  • pre_process: int, the number of layers in the pre-processing MLP;
  • post_process: int, the number of layers in the post-processing MLP;
  • connectivity: the type of skip connection. Can be: None, 'sum' or 'cat';
  • batch_norm: bool, whether to use batch normalization;
  • dropout: float, dropout rate;
  • aggregate: string or callable, an aggregation function. Supported aggregations: 'sum', 'mean', 'max', 'min', 'prod'.
  • hidden_activation: activation function in the hidden layers. The PReLU activation can be used by passing hidden_activation='prelu'.
  • pool: string or None, the global pooling function. If None, no global pooling is applied (e.g., for node-level learning). Supported pooling methods: 'sum', 'avg', 'max', 'attn', 'attn_sum', 'sort' (see spektral.layers.pooling.global_pool).



spektral.models.gnn_explainer.GNNExplainer(model, n_hops=None, preprocess=None, graph_level=False, verbose=False, learning_rate=0.01, a_size_coef=0.0005, x_size_coef=0.1, a_entropy_coef=0.1, x_entropy_coef=0.1, laplacian_coef=0.0)

The GNNExplainer model from the paper:

GNNExplainer: Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks
Rex Ying, Dylan Bourgeois, Jiaxuan You, Marinka Zitnik and Jure Leskovec.

The model can be used to explain the predictions for a single node or for an entire graph. In both cases, it returns the subgraph that mostly contributes to the prediction.


  • model: tf.keras.Model to explain;
  • n_hops: number of hops from which the GNN aggregates info. If None, then the number is inferred from the Conv and MessagePassing layers in the model.
  • preprocess: a preprocessing function to transform the adjacency matrix before giving it as input to the GNN; this is usually the same preprocess function of the Conv or MessagePassing layers used in the GNN (e.g., GCNConv.preprocess).
  • graph_level: if True, the GNN is assumed to be for graph-level prediction and the explanation is computed for the whole graph (and not just a node).
  • verbose: if True, print info during training;
  • learning_rate: learning rate when training the model;
  • a_size_coef: coefficient to control the number of edges of the subgraph that contributes to the prediction;
  • x_size_coef: coefficient to control the number of features of the subgraph that contributes to the prediction;
  • a_entropy_coef: coefficient to control the discretization of the adjacency mask;
  • x_entropy_coef: coefficient to control the discretization of the features mask;
  • laplacian_coef: coefficient to control the graph Laplacian loss;